JDE table update using .NET


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I am a .NET developer working on upgrading an integration project in JDE The current version of the project uses XML call object to interface with JDE. It works well, but we end up creating business functions for table changes. I came across this product on internet search. Can you confirm that it can do table changes (i.e. update, insert and delete) in .NET? Thanks!


New member
I am a .NET developer working on upgrading an integration project in JDE The current version of the project uses XML call object to interface with JDE. It works well, but we end up creating business functions for table changes. I came across this product on internet search. Can you confirm that it can do table changes (i.e. update, insert and delete) in .NET? Thanks!

Have you looked at using Orchestrator or AIS for this?


New member
Yes, I have. We decided not to go with Orchestrator/AIS because we already have programming logic to call business functions and table selects to do what we need. Our integrations accept multiple records in each request and we need the ability to roll back the entire transaction if one or more records fail. In Orchestrator/AIS, data is committed with the completion of each form request. Besides, opening forms, placing values in controls and invoking UI actions is not true integration, IMO, no offense.


New member
The commit/rollback requirement got me thinking - we are using transactions in our XML call object model. Does your product support transactions with table updates? Can we use the a transaction that combines business functions (that may update tables) and direct table updates?

Cool Calico

Staff member
In LynX.Net (the development framework of LynX Business Integrator), you can open a transaction boundary, call business functions and table i/o (select, insert, update, delete) and then commit/rollback the transaction as needed. This lets you preserve data integrity in scenarios that mandate it.


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Hi. Думаю так же, но:
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Bivi6F Thanh Gao Lut Cha Bong (Hu 250g) Hat Dinh Duong An Vat Tot Cho Tieu Hoa
Thanh Gao Lut Cha Bong (rong bien) Bivi6F la mot trai nghiem am thuc moi la, dac sac va tot cho co the. Chat xo trong gao lut tao cam giac ngon mieng, lau doi, han che cam giac them an. Phoi hop cung cac loai hat ngu coc dinh duong va cha bong (rong bien) thom ngon. Tu do tao ra mot san pham ngon mieng, day du duong chat va ho tro giam can.

Nguyen Lieu: Gao lut, hanh nhan, hat dieu, hat bi xanh, cha bong, (rong bien) mach nha...
Ly do luon chon thanh gao lut cha bong BiVi6F mang theo du lich:
- Chua nhieu khoang chat va vitamin giup can doi dinh duong, tot cho suc khoe. San pham Bivi6F bo sung chat dam va chat xo phu hop cho nguoi dang an kieng.
- 100% thanh phan thien nhien, 100% huong vi tu nhien phu hop cho moi lua tuoi, moi doi tuong: nguoi dang an kieng, nguoi an chay, phu nu co thai va dang cho con bu…
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BiVi6F Bot Ca Cao Nguyen Chat Hu Nho Tien Dung CaCao Socola Bot Chocolate Banh Kem Bot Ca Cao Phu Nu

San pham bot cacao nguyen chat BiVi6F co nhieu ung dung tuyet voi.
Dau tien, bot cacao BiVi6F duoc dung de lam do uong. Bot cacao hoa tan co the duoc them vao sua, duong, da lanh, ngu coc de tao ra cac loai do uong thom ngon va bo duong. Ban co the thuong thuc mot ly sua cacao thom ngon va sang khoai vao buoi sang hoac lam mot ly nuoc cacao lanh trong nhung ngay nang nong.

Ngoai ra, bot cacao cung duoc su dung de lam sinh to. Mon sinh to cacao dang rat pho bien voi huong vi tuyet voi va gia tri dinh duong cao. Ban co the ket hop bot cacao voi cac loai trai cay tuoi ngon nhu chuoi, dua, hay dau tay de tao ra mot ly sinh to thom ngon va bo duong.

Bivi6F Cong Ty Cung Cap San Pham Bot Ngu Coc Tai Huyen Tan Hiep Hieu Qua