Mass upload from Excel to JDE - Latency Issues


New member
With the Covid lockdown in place, our users are WFH. We deliver our E1 app directly through the internet and also through Citrix. Uploads from Excel/CSV are painfully slow with the internet model. With Citrix, it is manageable, but it is still not ideal. We are looking for a better solution for uploads and came across LynX Office. The YouTube demos of mass uploads (especially the one with 10000+ GL records) is impressive. How does your solution fare in low latency situations?



Cool Calico

Staff member
Hi @e1analyst,

Apologize for the delay. There was a glitch in our system that prevented us from seeing your post.

Our solution works very well in low latency situations. For large uploads you have the option to use compression, which greatly reduces the time taken to transport the data to/from the server that is receiving the request. You can configure the threshold for compression, so payloads over a certain size will be automatically compressed. Users seldom notice latency issues with our product in our experience. Most of the processing time is consumed in processing the data into JDE.

Let us know if you have any additional questions.


New member
Thanks for responding. Is there an upper limit on the number of transactions that can be uploaded (with good/bad latency)?

Cool Calico

Staff member
It depends on the type of transaction you are uploading. Do you have a specific scenario in mind?


New member
How about journal entries? That 10,000 line GL upload demo is for 1 JE, right? I assume that can be spread across multiple journal entries?

Cool Calico

Staff member
Yes, it can be spread across multiple journal entries. We have had clients upload 40,000 lines across multiple entries - that is certainly not the upper limit, but that should give you a rough benchmark.